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Client Success

Dr. Tiffany Leonida is a mom, a chiropractor and the former ministry director of Parent Life–an arm of Campus Life that invests in the lives of teen parents. Some days it’s difficult to keep it all in balance. Cheryl has been available as a cheerleader, a sounding board and encourager for Tiffany for the past 12 years. Coaching is a necessity for her!

Achieving Balance

Amy, a very successful realtor, has high and lofty goals and reaches them. Building a team was quite different than selling a house. That’s when Amy turned to Cheryl to build leadership skills, to understand relationships and to learn to be kind and direct when setting boundaries. Her growth over the past year is evident in her peace and her success in handling crucial conversations. Here’s to BIGGER goals!

Setting & Reaching Goals

“Before working with Cheryl, I approached networking looking for new clients, instead of referral sources. After working with her for 15 months, I’m less desperate and more confident in all my meetings. I realized my vision of having our second baby while building momentum. I had my best month ever in the same month that Henry was born—over 3X my commissions. And I had the money to take care of our medical bills, a water leak, a roofing bill and ant problems.”

– Jenna Vitosh

Business Growth

Kristyn, a health coach, lived mostly in a state of panic. She is gifted and brilliant in her craft and truly has wonderful things to share with clients based on her study and own success.

She left corporate America with a very nice salary to start her own business WHILE being a stay at home mom. Indecision and overwhelm dominated her life.

After working with me for a year, today her life looks like this: She focuses her week, her activities, her team building, and her household management while being a work at home mom with five kiddos!

On top of that she has consistently worked with me on personal development and confidence.

Here’s the best part: she has increased her income by 200% and has recently qualified for the top level of her company. The best part for me is that the vision she has for her family is coming true!

From Panic to Peace

Kelly, a nurse practitioner, entrepreneur and business owner, followed my three step success system. She also pressed into my personal coaching so that she took the right risks, tried her new skills and then made the tweaks that led her to new clients, more time and more money. She actually had a 300% ROI during her time with me!

The Right Results

“Before working with Cheryl Hansen, I was insecure about networking and was afraid of being too “salesy” despite my love for helping people transform their lives. As an introvert, I thought I had to become someone who I wasn’t in order to succeed.

Cheryl helped me understand and build on my strengths so I could connect with clients authentically. After working with her for 2 years, my monthly earnings have increased dramatically and best of all, I’ve been able to impact many more lives.”

– Tina Kucera

Authentic Connection

“Cheryl has lifted my lid many times in numerous ways. First, she has helped me focus my message so that it is clear to others. As a bonus, I am much more confident and referable when telling others what I do. I feel so strongly about my message that I have also changed the message when I advertise.”

– Lea Barker

Clarity & Confidence
© 2022 Cheryl Hansen Coaching. All rights reserved. 

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I've received your interest and am excited to be in touch with you about my free session! ~Cheryl Hansen